WGC in Benalla, Australien: es geht los!

Heute beginnen die Segelflug-Weltmeisterschaften im australischen Benalla mit dem ersten offiziellen Trainingstag. Hier finden Sie die offizielle Website des Veranstalters, hier sind die aktuellen Resultate und Tasks aufgelistet und zum Beginn finden Sie hier ein Interview mit dem zehnfachen Weltmeister Sebastian Kawa.

Call for papers for the upcoming OSTIV-Kongress

Ostiv_Call_for_PapersThe International Scientific and Technical Gliding Organisation, OSTIV, will hold its biannual Congress from 8-13 January 2017 in Benalla, Australia, at the site of the 34rd FAI World Gliding Championships in the Open-, 18m- and 15m-Class. In order to make the Congress a full success, we seek contributions and participatons from many countries, with broad technical and scientific content, according to the Call for abstracts. Opportunity for presentation and discussion is given in the following categories: Scientific Sessions: Meteorology, climatology and Atmospheric Physics as related to soaring flight. Technical Sessions: Aerodynamics, Structures, Materials, Design, Maintenance and Sailplane development. Training and Safety Sessions: Training and Safety, Coaching, Health and Physiology. Joint sessions: Scientific and technical topics, reviews or news, presented in an informative and entertaining way for the broader interest of the World Gliding Championships and OSTIV.

Österreich nominiert Teilnehmer an WGC in Benalla

WGC_BenallaDas österreichische Team an der am 8. Januar 2017 in Benalla beginnenden Segelflug-Weltmeisterschaft besteht aus Werner Amann (Hohenems), Wolfgang Janowitsch (Wiener Neustadt), Andreas Lutz (München), Sebastian Eder (Schärdingen) und Ludwig Starkl. Mehr Informationen auf der Website der WGC Benalla.

Top gliders in town

benalla_gliding_championshipsAbout 80 pilots will be involved in OzGlide, to get started on Monday and continuing through until January 15. The competition can only be won by an Australian, but that has not stopped at least 30 pilots travelling from Europe and North America to take part. “The overseas competitors come basically to get familiar with the area and the conditions,” Gliding Federation of Australia spokesman John Styles said. “This really is the pre-event for the world championships in January next year.” Mr Styles said the performance of each pilot in the nationals was especially important “as it will help determine which pilots may join the handful of the world’s glider pilots that are selected from each country to compete” at the worlds. The nationals are being held at the Benalla airfield, which is undergoing a series of upgrades for both the nationals and the world titles. Find more information in the online article in bordermail.com.au.

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