Wenn Sie Anregungen haben, Tipps, Ideen oder Kritik los werden möchten, Sie erreichen unter dieser Adresse den Verlag und die Redaktion.
Anschrift Verlag und Redaktion:
If you have any suggestions, tips, ideas or criticism, you can reach the publisher and editorial team at this address.
Address publishing house and editorial office:
Gabler Media
Gussstrasse 26
CH-8180 Bülach ZH
fon +41 (o)438107539
E-Mail: bg ( at ) segelfliegen-magazin.com
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(to avoid spam e-mails, we have replaced the ‚at‘ sign in the above e-mail address with a combination of letters. Please copy the given e-mail contact address by hand into the address line of your e-mail program (Outlook, gmx, bluewin etc.), replace it there with the correct ‚at‘ sign and send e-mails to us in this way.